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Films & Videos

The University of Lethbridge Library has a wide selection of films on multiple formats which are available for check out or streaming online! Use this guide for help with searching for films using the library catalogue.

Search Tips

To find videos and sound recordings in Summon, enter your keywords (such as an artist name, film, or album title) and limit the 'Content Type' as desired (ie Audio Recording, Music Recording, Video Recording, etc). You can also do a basic keyword search and then limit by content type on the result screen.

To find videos and sound recordings in the ULethbridge library catalogue, try an advanced keyword search:

  • Select Subject from the drop down menu, and enter an artist name, film, or album title
  • Select a format from the Material Type menu, or hold down Shift to select multiple formats
  • Click Submit

See below for more catalogue search tips...

Searching in the Catalogue

To begin searching for films or video you will need to perform a Library Catalogue search. 

If you know the film title or the director's name for a specific film you would like, then simply use the library catalogue basic search and select Title or Author from the drop down menu.

If you aren't sure exactly which film you would like, but want to search for films by keyword use the Advanced Keyword search and limit the results to Film/Video.

From the advanced search screen you can still search by Author or Title, but you can also limit your results by material type. This allows you to retrieve only the films/videos by a particular director, leaving out their written works (autobiography mainly).

Selecting Film/Video for Material Type and leaving the drop down on Any Field will allow you to perform a Keyword search which only returns videos accessible through the library.

An Any Field or Keyword search  gives you a list of all the items whose records include your search term(s) anywhere in the record (Author, Title, Subject, Summary, etc.)


Library Orientation

Selected award-winning films at the library!