Embedded below are the STimaging Premium Software How It Works videos. When using certain features of the microform scanner software a "How it Works" icon may apear in the bottom left-hand corner. Click this icon when using the software to quickly learn, or remind yourself how to best use the system.
Welcome to the ST ViewScan system with ST Premium Software.
A brief tour of a simple session: How to view, capture, and then send images to a folder.
Cruise Control allows the user to select any number of images, from just a few to the entire roll, and then let the software automatically crop and capture the pages.
The videos below are for ST imaging's Annotation Software that can be used to merge multiple images togeather on a single page, and add annotations, graphics, and more to your images..
Clip Merge will allow you to merge several clips onto a single page.
Click on Annotate to add notes and more to your images.