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Women & Gender Studies

Why Open Access?

Are you a scholar looking to publish your work in an Open Access (OA) journal? 

Do you want to retain your author rights and ensure your research is accessible to anyone who wants to read it?

Have you graduated, wish to access the current literature in your field, but can't get past the paywalls of subscription databases?

If you answered yes to any of these questions - this page is for you!

Learn more about OA by visiting the U of L Library's guide to OA.   What is the difference between green, gold and hybrid OA? How can you identify a predatory publisher? Does the U of L have access to discounts on article processing charges (APC)?

Don't forget about OPUS - the U of L's OA research repository!  We're proud of our scholars and are pleased to provide free access to their works.  If you are a U of L scholar, please visit this page if you're interested in self-archiving your research with us.

Click here to view U of L's Open Access Policy.

OA Journals for WGST.

Click here for a list of OA journals for WGST! This list is a work in progress.

Every journal will be evaluated to ensure quality based on criteria laid out on our Predatory Publishers page and I'll make an effort to include titles that do not charge author processing fees.

Wondering how to identify a trusted journal?  The Think/Check/Submit site has some great tips for researchers!


Directories & Repositories for Women & Gender Studies

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

SocArXiv is an online preprint server for the social sciences.

Humanities Commons is a network by the MLA for people working in the humanities. Discover the latest OA scholarship and teaching materials, make interdisciplinary connections, build a WordPress Web site, and increase the impact of your work by sharing it.

OpenDOAR is a directory of OA repositories.

Women & Gender Studies publications in OPUS (the U of L's repository)!

Google Dataset Search (beta version) trawls the web for millions of open data repositories.


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