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4) Find Journal Articles: EBSCOhost Databases

A University of Lethbridge Library guide to finding journal articles.

List of Databases

Below is a selected list of the EBSCOhost databases to which the University of Lethbridge Library currently subscribes. The subject scope of each database is included under the title. For a compehensive list of EBSCOhost databases available through the library, click here.

Introduction to EBSCOhost Databases

The University of Lethbridge Library subscribes to many databases through EBSCOhost (see list on the left). They have different content, but the way you use them all is much the same. Watch the following video for a brief introductory tutorial on using EBSCOhost databases. For a video on performing advanced searches, click here.

Video credit: Ebsco Information Services

For more information on search strategies in EBSCOhost databases you can check out these videos on basic searching and advanced searching.

Accessing EBSCOhost Databases

The best way to access all databases at the University of Lethbridge Library, including EBSCOhost databases, is through the "Find Articles" tab on the library's homepage. First select the "Find Articles" tab, then click on either "Databases by Subject" or "By Title." If you already know the name of the database you want to use, it is easiest to search for it by title. If, however, you only know the subject or topic you want to research, it is best to search for an appropriate database by subject.

Suppose you know that you're looking for the popular multidisciplinary database Academic Search Complete. When you click on "By Title," the page below is displayed. You can either scroll down to the database you're interested in or navigate to it through the letter links above the list. When you've found the database, click on the name to open it. You can also click on "[more]" to learn about the database.

Once you've clicked on a database, you'll be directed to its advanced search page. The database name is indicated in green above the search boxes.

For more information on searching databases and advanced search techniques, see our Search Tips section.

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