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APA Citation Style, Seventh Edition

Section 10.1

In General:

  • When citing a journal article (whether accessed online or in print) that has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), include the DOI in the reference entry formatted as a hyperlink (i.e., beginning with "https://" or  "http://").
  • If an online work has both a DOI and a URL, only include the DOI in the reference entry. 
  • If an online work does not have a DOI, include the URL according to the rules listed in Section 9.34 of the Manual. For works from most academic research databases, the URL is not required.
  • You can present DOIs and URLs as either standardized hyperlinks (typically blue and underlined) or in plain text.
  • For a work with three or more authors, include only the name of the first author followed by "et al." in every in-text citation, including the first.
  • For a work with 21 or more authors, include the first 19 authors followed by an ellipsis (…) and the last author in the reference entry.  


General Format

      In-Text Citation (Paraphrase): 
     (Author Surname et al., Year)
      In-Text Citation (Quotation):
      (Author Surname et al., Year, Page Number)
Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial., … Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Article title: Subtitle. Title of Periodical, Volume(issue), page range. https:// DOI OR https:// URL of article
      In-Text Citation (Paraphrase): 
     (Rousseau-Nepton et al., 2019)
      In-Text Citation (Quotation):
      (Rousseau-Nepton et al., 2019, p. x)
Rousseau-Nepton, L., Martin, R. P., Robert, C., Drissen, L., Amram, P., Prunet, S., Matin, T., Moumen, I., Adamo, A., Alarie, A., Barmby, P., Boselli, A., Bresolin, F., Bureau, M., Chemin, L., Fernandes, R. C., Combes, F., Crowder, C., Della Bruna, L., … Vílchez, J. M. (2019). Signals: I. Survey description. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(4), 5530-5546.